Sunday, October 15, 2017

Me. Too.

Oct. 15, 2017 7:30 p.m.

(Image credit:

I've noticed the flood of “me too” posts on my Facebook today and it really had me feeling some type of way. Like, fucking WOW! Seriously? So many people have been effected. I am not alone. 

First off I felt really sad all day. It was gloomy so I decided to do what any obsessed dog loving fool would do. Go to the dog park. I thought it would make me feel better and cheer me up seeing some pups, but it really didn’t. 

 Life is ironic like that. In good company I've felt alone and sad all day but now sitting here alone in complete silence suddenly I don’t feel so alone. All because the mass amount of “me too” posts. It’s crazy to think, but just two little words have created a connection, a common denominator if you will. I’m just so glad to see people speaking up in order to positively ban together!

I’ve felt so many emotions come and go recently all at once or even all compiled into a huge ball of complete madness. Documenting my emotion is a whirl wind of mind fucks. I’m constantly analyzing myself and judging myself. Always apologizing and feeling at fault, guilty or in the wrong. I know I’m not the only one who is too hard on themselves. Nobody is perfect though.

Maybe I should just take a step back and breathe. Look around and smile at the faces that are also in pain. Compare stories and stop judging. Hug and love. Get back to the basics of human existence, companionship. Let’s just be. I want others to know that I stand with you in this and if anyone ever wants to talk I always have an open ear and purposeful hug available. Peace and love to each of you. Life gets hard no matter what, but never forget to love yourself.

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